Tuesday, February 23, 2010

10 Reasons I am Happy Today....

1.   101 hearts to my shop , hooray!
2.   Got all my packages sent last night.
3.   My husband will be off early tonight so I get to spend more time with him.
4.   I started my kids homeschooling program, which is super fun and super easy! (www.starfall.com)
5.   I can see my hallway floor because I have enough laundry done :)
6.   My husband got paid.
7.   I get some babysitting tonight from my parents.
8.   We got a movie from netflix to watch.
9.   I found food staches in my cupboards that I forgot I had!
10. I got some free food from Second Harvest...mmm free foood!

7 Sweet Talkers:

Laci Jo said...

okay that's weird, my etsy hearts just went from 101 to 100.....oh well, 100 is still grrrrreat!

Ellen said...

that's awesome!!! sounds like you and your husband have an nice night in planned...

I'm starting to do my research on homeschooling....and will check out starfall.com

sassypackrat said...

I wish I had that many hearts! Lucky gal!

Laci Jo said...

Ellen- when you go to the starfall site you go to their shop and i nought their homeschool curriculum.....it costs like 400 bucks but they give you about 5 big boxes of stuff, and it is HIGH quality materials! it is so worth it, and even if you dont want to pay, the site is still free and easy to work into your own plan. my daughter will spend hours exploring it, it is fantastic!

Ellen said...

awesome, thank you for that added info! the site does look great! my son is only 10 moths now but I am casually looking around now...keep us informed as to how your homeschooing efforts go. k?

Laci Jo said...

I definitely will :) Griffon is about to turn 5, and we started teaching her how to use the mouse around 4 years old. once we showed her how the site works she could do it all by herself, and Harrison , who is about to turn 3 will sit behind her and repeat things that the games say, so he is learning a bit too! Griff won't let me "teach" her, she does much better if she thinks she is "playing" so this is an AWESOME resource for me, because instead of t.v. she is interacting, and I get a great break to do the things I NEED to , without many interruptions! its the second best thing since NAPS!

adelle said...

Hi there!

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