Monday, February 8, 2010


YAY, what a warm fuzzy! I woke up this morning to a notification that my Chain Me Up Grape Escape necklace had been featured overnight on the front page of Etsy! so cool , what would have made it better would have been to SEE it there...I would have probably taken a picture :)

anyways yay for me!

Have a great day today!
A little later after I am done in town taking Griff to gymnastics I will post my Munchie Monday recipe :)

xoxox Laci

here it is, I found out how to see it with all the other stuff!

7 Sweet Talkers:

sassypackrat said...

Congrats! I have yet to make it to the Front Page but I keep hoping!

De la Renaissance said...

That's wonderful! Congratulations on making the Front Page!! I too have yet to be featured there.

FlightFancy said...

What a glorious necklace!(my fav color) Congrats on the front page!!!

ShellyStout said...

So excited for you. Did it sell?

Laci Jo said...

no, not yet, that would have made it even better :) oh well, it got 175 views overnight so im still happy, and now i can have a badge that says "this item was featured on the front page" and that makes it look professional like its hit the big time! :)

Cindy said...

Congratulations on your front page news!!lol Love the necklace, it should be featured on the front page!

Laci Jo said...

Sassypackrat- just hang out in the forums that's really all I did, and the admin showed up with a post asking for people to help her find front page material and I shared my stuff...I swear your Dr Who should be on the front page :)