Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What's Up Wednesday? Spring cleaning, your mind AND your house!

My mom pointed me to this website when I was feeling overwhelmed with cleaning my house.  The Fly Lady teaches you how to do baby steps. One of the things that I always remember from her is that "this mess wasn't made in a day, we shouldn't expect ourselves to CLEAN it in a day".   She teaches you to not have impossible expectations of yourself, so you can move forward with your cleaning, and with your life. She breaks it down to each day, gives you a new goal to accomplish, and builds on that the next day.
Check it out, It is AWESOME!

Did I mention that her baby steps are FREE??  :D

<3<3 Laci <3<3

2 Sweet Talkers:

Jessica @ Barefoot by the Sea said...

Wow, that is awesome! Thanks!

Raige Creations said...

Though I love that Spring is nearly here, I HATE Spring cleaning! Great to have some suggestions for making it less painful - thank you Laci.