Friday, March 12, 2010


So, I spent the last few hours trying to sew, (something I lack all but the basic skills for) and came out feeling pretty proud of myself!  I used a pattern made by keyka lou on Etsy, and I must say for a slightly clueless fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants sewer (and I am talking about ME!)  her tutorial was very informative! After spending an hour or two initially on this project  (now that I know what I am doing) it should only take half an hour or so to make another one!  I can't wait to try out the other two patterns I got!

Here it is! I bought the fabric from uberstitch on etsy as well, they have THE BEST fabrics, I hearted almost EVERY fabric the sell!

<3<3 Laci <3<3

6 Sweet Talkers:

Raige Creations said...

Wow - great job Laci! an only a half an hour? I must be slow - every sewing project take me that long and more!! love the yellow line!

sassypackrat said...

That's so cute! No way could I do something like that with my poor sweing skills, sewing in a straight line is a challenge!

Pam said...

Wow Laci, that is the cutest purse.
I have been trying to pick a pattern to make myself one to make out of that fabric. I see many more in your future.

Laci Jo said...

thanks guys! I have lots of trouble... (usually cause i try to rush it) but this turned out so well and i learned a few things i didn't know before that i am pretty confident that i can do it again and again!

YAY for great tutorials!

Plantress said...

hey good job. Looks like you've sewed before

keyka said...

Your bag looks great. Fantastic job and cute fabric!