Monday, March 29, 2010

Snakes and a Platypus OH MY!

 I do thank everyone who has been commenting, I AM reading them all, even if I don't comment back! I have been inspired, and will be doing a tutorial on how to make a self tied bow tie, and maybe even a mini version for little boys to match their daddies, grandpa's, ect!  Don't forget about the upcoming giveaway I will be posting may be some time this week, so keep and eye out!

Until then here is what I have been working on today:

Platypus ( to make your own go to : )  She was a little bit hard at first, I tried to make her before and failed....but I tried again with different fabric (this one is ALL fleece) and a little more patience and she turned out a lot better.  I also printed the pattern out a little bigger that it was and that helped too.  the smaller the pattern, the harder it is for me to do!

 I added a bow after I took the ones above:
Then a bean filled snake made out of a scarf:

These guys likes to be around your neck like a scarf, and is pretty comfy with its chenille like skin!

3 Sweet Talkers:

Raige Creations said...

I love the platapus! maybe that will be the next fad...when owls are done...just a thought.

sassypackrat said...

I think it all came out great!

peggy aplSEEDS said...

what cuties!